OSGeo Twin Cities Local Chapter (aka TCMUG) Meeting – May 11th (online)

Twin Cities, MN, USA Chapter is organizing meetings – virtual and in person.


You get an overview on the agenda and links to the past meeting at /local-chapters/twin-cities-mn-usa-chapter/

Reg Nelson  will be presenting a talk entitled: Visualization of GLSEA Lake Superior surface water temperature data


Presentation description:

Employing PyQGIS, Inkscape, GIMP, ImageMagick, and Blender.




Reg is a technician in the Department of Geography and the Environment at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay campus, who loves stereoscopy, sailing, cycling, and messing around with stuff.


When: May 11th,  4:30 – 6:00 pm CDT

Location (Virtual):  https://meet.jit.si/osgeo_tcmug

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