The GeoExt community is proud to announce the release of GeoExt 2.0.0.
GeoExt 2.0.0 is the first official GeoExt version that is built atop of OpenLayers 2.13.1 and ExtJS 4.2.1. It is being released 2 weeks after release candidate 1 was published and no serious bugs were discovered.
GeoExt 2 has been in the making for quite a while, but most of the code comes from a code sprint in Bonn, Germany, that happened last year.
The newest major version of GeoExt wants to provide mostly the same API you know and love from the 1.x-series. It comes with support for the autoloading-mechanism of ExtJS, support for the single-file build tool of sencha and with exhaustive documentation that is built using the same tools that the mother library ExtJS uses (see GeoExt classes documentation and GeoExt and ExtJS classes documentation).
This release wouldn’t have been possible without the sponsors of the above mentioned sprint. Also we want to thank the companies behind the contributors of GeoExt for supporting GeoExt development in numerous ways and for such a long time.
We invite you all to use GeoExt 2!
To do so, download GeoExt 2.0.0 and use it in your OpenLayers 2.13.1 and Ext JS 4.2.1 powered webpage by telling the autoloading-mechanism of Ext about GeoExt:
enabled: true,
paths: {
GeoExt: "path/to/geoext2/src",
Ext: "path/to/extjs/src"
Have a look at the examples and additional information listed at the GeoExt 2 website over at github.
We are looking forward to your feedback on this release.