We are a team of map enthusiasts using OpenStreetMap to provide free and accessible geographic data for academic research,economic and sustainable development.We promote and train on the use of Free and Open Source Software for geographic data analysis and open mapping.
We train and the teach the use of free mobile mapping applications such as mapswipe,maps.me as well as the use of QGIS and other web-based free accessible GIS software
We work hard to improve gender -balanced participation in mapping community and encourage female gender empowerement using Open Source Geospatial technology
Mapping of University of Port Harcourt and Satellite community on the globally accessible web map of openstreetmap
Mapping of Vulnerable Oil Spill communities in Rivers state,Nigeria
Mapping of Vulnerable flood communities in Port Harcourt Metropolis,Rivers State,Nigeria
Mapping of Malaria Parasitemia vulnerability in Rivers State
Training of students and immediate community on the use of QGIS and mobile mapping applications
Reaching out to universities and high schools to establish and train youthmappers chapters
Engage team members and students in field work and mapping contest using open source geospatial Technlogy