From work at the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, I have extensive experience with GIS web services and enterprise geospatial publishing projects. These efforts to date have focused on design and management of the data catalog for the City’s online COMPASS mapping interface, which feeds the enterprise master spatial dataset to desktop applications such as AutoCAD and ESRI based products as well as web based mapping applications like COMPASS. The Compass application is built on a mostly OSGeo based stack consisting of, GeoMoose, OpenLayers, MapServer, Postgres/PostGIS software. I'm a founding member of the GeoMoose project. I have been involved in GIS related community projects for the last twenty years. I'm also involved with the non-profit ShardeGeo as the Technical Director. Prior to SharedGeo, I served in a similar capacity commercially providing geospatial services to the U.S. Census Bureau for their LEHD web services and OnTheMap product. From this diverse “front line” experience, I have gained extensive knowledge in digital spatial data archiving, publishing, and distributed data maintenance issues and techniques – a point of view that results in functional and effective solutions to real world geospatial problems.