Pedro works with Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for about 13 years, and over the last 8, he uses only FOSS4G. He started with the early versions of gvSIG and QGIS, then GRASS, SAGA, GDAL, R, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, MapGuide OS, MapServer, GeoServer, GeoNetwork, ...
Apart from FOSS4G, he is a user and evangelizer of FOSS in general (Linux, LibreOffice, Gimp, ...).
Over the last years, he has participated in several conferences in Portugal in the field of Civil Protection, where he has presented solutions based on FOSS4G. He also have organized several workshops in the same area.
He is co-founder of the Portuguese QGIS User Group and an active member of OSGeo-PT and QGIS-PT mailing lists. He is also an active QGIS tester, bug hunter and reporter. With Portuguese QGIS User Group, he had developed some QGIS plugins.
Pedro is currently responsible for the Cartography and GIS service of Pinhel Municipality (Portugal), where develops and manages the geographic information solutions (data models, databases, geowebservices, WebGIS, spatial models), using exclusively OSGeo projects.