International Cartographic Association (ICA)

Promote the disciplines and professions of cartography and GIScience in an international context.

The aim of ICA is to ensure that cartography and GIScience are employed to maximum effect and full potential for the benefit of society and science through promotion and representation of the disciplines and professions of cartography and GIScience internationally.

Relationship with OSGeo

Collaborative relationship helping share global geo-information with all communities.

  • To formally bridge the cartography and *GIScience* communities with the Open Source Geospatial *communities*.
  • To promote the development related cartography and GIScience Open Source Geospatial software.
  • To work closely with the Geo for All initiative, to help promote openness in education and research.
  • To promote the distribution and use of open geo-data sets in all communities.
  • To hold joint international workshops and conference sessions on open geo-data sets and Open Source geospatial software for cartography.

OSGeo Sponsors

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